Saturday, June 4, 2011



     The affective domain is represented by ‘attitude‘ in the acronym. This is not entirely true, as it involves far more than just attitude.
     The affective domain can be divided into five categories, each building on the previous one. The characteristics are also arranged from the most simplest to the most complex.

      Receiving can be summarized by the key words awareness, listening and paying attention.
      It starts with being aware of the fact that you have to ‘receive‘ the information in order to learn it. You must be willing to listen and pay selective attention to what is being learned.
     Without this, you cannot even embark on the learning process. All learning comes to a standstill. It is therefore the foundation for all learning.
     The willingness of a learner to receive knowledge is largely governed by attitude. This is probably why attitude often becomes the overriding Key Word of this learning domain.
     Once you are aware of the fact that you must learn, you must still listen and pay attention if you are being taught by someone.
     If you are doing self study, you have to motivate yourself to pay attention when receiving the information, which may be the reading of the subject matter.
  • Listen to others with respect.
  • Listen for and remember the name of newly introduced people.
  • Read with with intent.
     The next step in the learning process is responding by active participation. Learning cannot be a static one way process. If you simply sit in the class and listen passively, minimum learning will take place.
     You have to react to what the teacher, lecturer, or writer is saying and start applying and practising the new principles.

  • Participate in class discussions.
  • Give a presentation.
  • Questions new ideals, concepts, models, etc. in order to fully understand them.
  • Know the safety rules and practices them.
     This is the worth or value that you attach to what you are learning. It starts by simple acceptance of the fact and ends with the more complex state of commitment.
If you have internalized what you have learnt based on your own set of values, deeper learning would have taken place.
     This will become evident in your behaviour and is often identifiable by others.
     You can then use this new found learning to solve problems and propose solutions. You will feel strongly about the subject and therefore apply your knowledge with commitment.
     If, for example, you’ve become sensitive to cultural diversity during your learning. You become a spokesperson in your company to promote cultural diversity. You start influencing company and policy procedures regarding cultural diversity, etc., etc.
  • Demonstrating belief in the democratic process.
  • Valuing diversity.
  • Showing the ability to solve problems.
  • Proposing a plan for social improvement and following through with commitment.
  • Informing management on matters that you feel strongly about.
     This is evident by contrasting different values, solving conflict between them and creating your own unique value system.
     It is based on comparing, relating and synthesizing these values.
     You will have to prioritize the values based on practicality and your desire.
  • Recognizing the need for balance between freedom and responsible behaviour.
  • Accepting responsibility for your own behaviour.
  • Explaining the role of systematic planning in solving problems.
  • Accepting professional ethical standards.
  • Creating a life plan in harmony with abilities, interests, and beliefs.
  • Prioritizing time effectively to meet the needs of the organization, family, and self.
     This is when your value system controls your behaviour. Your character is guided by your value system. Your behaviour becomes consistent and predictable. It becomes characteristic of you as a person and determines how you react personally, socially and emotionally.
  • Show self-reliance when working independently.
  • Cooperate in group activities.
  • Displays good teamwork.
  • Uses an objective approach when solving problems.
  • Display a professional commitment to ethical practice on a daily basis.
  • Revise judgements and change behaviour in light of new evidence.
  • Value people for what they are, not how they look.
     The affective domain of Bloom’s taxonomy is the foundation for the cognitive and psychomotor domains. It enables you to take your learning from basic passive reception to internalised characterization.
     I believe that Mind Maps naturally allow you to do this. By simply constructing a Mind Map of any topic, you naturally incorporate these principles, but by knowing the principles and applying them when doing your Mind Map notes, you can wilfully apply the different levels of learning in your learning process.
     Continue to explore the different uses of Mind Maps in your everyday life. This will ensure that the depth and width of your knowledge naturally increases.
     By having a learning management program, you can also ensure that your learning is well structured and well managed.

     The following is adapted from: Krathwohl, D., Bloom, B., & Masia, B. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives. Handbook II: Affective domain. New York: David McKay.
     The taxonomy was developed to organize levels of commitment. As such it could just as properly be discussed as a regulatory system issue in the model being presented here.
Affective Domain

Being aware of or attending to something in the environment

Person would listen to a lecture or presentation about a structural model related to human behavior.

Showing some new behaviors as a result of experience
The individual would answer questions about the model or might rewrite lecture notes the next day.
Showing some definite involvement or commitment

The individual might begin to think how education may be modified to take advantage of some of the concepts presented in the model and perhaps generate a set of lessons using some of the concepts presented.
Integrating a new value into one's general set of values, giving it some ranking among one's general priorities

This is the level at which a person would begin to make long-range commitments to arranging his or her instruction and assessment relative to the model.
Characterization by Value
Acting consistently with the new value

At this highest level, a person would be firmly committed to utilizing the model to develop, select, or arrange instruction and would become known for that action.

Motivation in Second Language Acquisition
When a person acts in a certain way we often seek an answer why he or she acted like
that. What we are looking for is the motivation behind the act. The research on
motivation seeks to understand the reasons for specific actions. The ideas and
theories behind motivation are widely spread and there are three main schools.
Behaviourist who sees causes out of the environment, influences from the outside,
biologists who sees motivation out of a biological approach, mediationists who sees
causes from the internal events, like wishes and urges. Some theorists are also mixing
these schools with each other. One thing is for sure, motivation theorists do not often
agree with each other, especially in-between the different schools.

So why is motivation an important part of organisational development?
Well, to be able to develop an organisation one must understand the organisation and
the people within the organisation. The people are the ones that are conducting the
organisation. To be able to have an impact on them to act in certain direction, an
effective tool is motivation, since motivation is the cause to every act.

 Intrinsic motivation

– motivation associated with activities that are
their own reward

Extrinsic motivation
– motivation created by external factors such as
rewards and punishments

Guess what are those cases intrinsic or extrinsic ?

Safe Sarah – You once gave her bonus points for
doing an excellent job in drawing, and now she
produces a work of art every time. However, if a task
is not on the test, she is not interested.

Satisfied Sam – is interested in the project. In fact,
he knows more than you do. Apparently, he spends
hours reading about the topic.

Defensive Diane – is afraid to try because if she
makes an effort and fails, she fears that everyone will
know she is “dumb.”

Theoretical Aspect of Motivation
- Behavioral Approach
- Cognitive Approach
- Social Learning Approach
- Humanistic Approach

Behavioral Approach

• emphasize extrinsic motivation caused by rewards
or punishments
• High/low grades, praise/criticism, free
��temporary behavior change; decreased intrinsic
motivation; materialistic attitude

a case

A group of neighborhood boys decided to play ball at the end of a culde-
sac. While the boys played, they were very noisy. There was an old
man who lived in one of the houses near the cul-de-sac. This old man
liked to take a nap at the same time the boys came down to play, and
each day they woke him up because they were so noisy. So one day the
old man went to the children and told them that he liked them playing
down near his house, and he offered to pay them $1 to be noisy. The
boys agreed to be noisy, and for the next few days the old man came out
and paid them $1 to be noisy. Then the old man told them that he could
not afford to pay them $1 anymore, but that he would pay them 50 cents
instead. So the boys agreed to be noisy, and the old man paid them 50
cents for the next few days. Then the old man told them that he could
not afford to pay them 50 cents anymore, but that he would pay them 25
cents to be noisy. So the boys agreed and continued to be noisy. Then
the old man told them that he could not afford to pay them 25 cents
anymore, but asked them to be noisy for free. The boys refused to be
noisy for free and decided to go elsewhere to play ball.

Cognitive Approach

Cognitive theories of motivation assume that behaviour is directed as a result of the active processing and interpretation of information. Motivation is not seen as a mechanical or innate set of processes but as a purposive and persistent set of behaviours based on the information available. Expectations, based on past experiences, serve to direct behaviour toward particular goals.
Important concepts of cognitive motivation theory include expectancy-value theory, attribution theory, cognitive dissonance, self-perception, and self-actualization.

• emphasize intrinsic motivation
• believe that behavior is determined by our thinking,
not simply by whether we have been rewarded or
punished for the behavior

 Need for Achievement (Atkinson & McClelland)
• The need for achievement may be described as a
"capacity for taking pride in accomplishment"
(Atkinson, 1958).
• desire to excel, drive for excellence and success
• fear of failure

 Attribution theory (Weiner)
Perceived cause of successes or failures:
• locus: location of the cause - internal vs external
• stability: whether the cause stays the same or
• controllability: whether the person can control the

Examples of Attribution Theory
• I didn’t have as much time to study as I usually do. I now
know that I will need to study more for the next test if I
want to do well.

Internal locus, unstable, controllable
• I forgot we had the test today, so I was really worried. It
turned out all right because the teacher just happened to
ask about the things I knew how to do. I can’t count on
that every time.

External, unstable, uncontrollable

Social Learning Approach
A mix of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation based on
expectations and personal value of goals

• Albert Bandura – source of motivation:
• possible outcomes of behavior
• self-efficacy – belief that individual can
achieve a specific task
• goals we set – specific and reachable goals 

• Motivation = Expectancy * value

• Motivation to perform a task depends on
students’ expectation of success and the value
they place on the task.
• The two factors work together like a
multiplication equation (expectancy * value).

• If either one is missing (i.e. zero) there will be
no motivation. 

Humanistic Approach
• emphasizes intrinsic motivation created by the need
for personal growth, fulfillment, and selfdetermination.
• Maslow’s hierarchy of needs 

Fostering student motivation
  Provide opportunity for success
◦ Task accomplishable
◦ Be responsive to the signs of the students “very
  Teach students

to set reasonable goals and assess
their performance
  Teach students 

to understand the relationship
between effort and outcome
◦ attribute failure to lack of ability
◦ I can do well without much effort!!!
◦ Point the students’ improvement when they show

 Relate the lessons 
to students own life so that
the content is more meaningful and relevant
  Model an interest in learning and express
enthusiasm for the material (value)

   Include novelty/variety elements
  Give the opportunity to respond actively
  Provide opportunity for students to interact
during academic activities


 Share responsibility with students
�� Exercise some autonomy and make decision
about their own behaviors
�� Sharing d-m power
☺increases willingness to cooperate
☺Enhances students’ independence, self-control
☺Socially responsible behaviors



Use of rewards
�� Positive reinforcement: rewarded behavior is
strengthened and likely to be repeated
�� Helps to focus on positive behavior rather
than misbehavior



Type of rewards
�� Social rewards
◦ Verbal and nonverbal sign indicate your
approval, agreement
◦ Risk of misuse (“Teacher’s pet”)

�� Activity rewards
◦ e.g., watching video, no homework
�� Tangible material rewards
◦ e.g., books, tickets



Using rewards effectively
�� Rewarding appropriate behavior
�� Use verbal rewards to increase intrinsic
�� Use tangible rewards for activities found
�� Use tangible rewards randomly, after the
�� Use rewards that attracts students
�� Keep it simple








Attending to Adult Learners: Affective Domain in the ESL Classroom

Eva Bernat
Macquarie University, Australia
  1. Introduction
  2. Cognition or Affect?
  3. The Adult Leaner
  4. Conclusion
  5. Reference

1. Introduction

It has been said, that the process of education is one of the most important and complex of all human endeavors. A popular notion is that education is carried out by one person - a teacher, standing in front of a class and transmitting information to a group of learners who are 'empty vessels', and willing and able to absorb it. Similarly, language learning is not an abstract exercise in memorizing vocabulary words and applying grammatical rules. Such views simplify what is a highly complex process involving an intricate interplay between the learning process itself, the teacher's intentions and actions, the individual personalities of the learners, their culture, reservoirs of background experiences, perceptions and beliefs, the learning environment, and a host of other factors. In other words, various cognitive and affective processes play an important and integral role in the language learning context.

2. Cognition or Affect?

While cognition and the theory of knowledge has been the interest of educationists and researchers since Plato provided the basis for what is referred to as 'epistemology', the interest in affective factors in learning came much later. It was first reflected in the writing of Dewey, Montessori, and Vygotsky in the first part of this century, and gained importance with the growth of humanistic psychology in the 1960's. The work of C.R. Rogers has become increasingly relevant to a discipline that recognizes the importance of affect on the learning situation and sees each learner as an individual "…in a continually changing world of which he is the center" (Rogers 1951:483), reacting to events as they are experienced and perceived: "this perceptual field is, for the individual, reality" (Rogers 1951:484).
As a result, many of the major developments in language teaching in the past years have, in some way, related to the need to acknowledge affect in language learning. Methods such as Suggestopedia (aims to reduce anxiety by creating a non-threatening environment), Silent Way (the learner must take responsibility), Community Language Learning (the group must decide what to learn), and Total Physical Response (aims to engage the learner physically, putting the learner under no pressure and allowing to speak when ready) take into account the affective side of the language learning in quite a central manner. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has also had a major influence on language teaching many areas (materials, teaching methods, syllabus design) and it too, has incorporated affect. Similarly, the Natural Approach takes affect into consideration in a prominent way. Using one of the five hypotheses in Krashen's Monitor Model' - the affective filter - influenced the design of many of the Natural Approach classroom activities designed to minimize stress.
Although affective contributions are central to second language learning Johnson (1994:439-452) argues that overall "the field of second language education lags behind mainstream education research in that it has neglected to focus adequate attention to the affective dimension of second language learning". Horwitz (2001) gives further support and states that to discuss foreign language learning without considering the emotional reactions of the learner to language learning was and remains a serious oversight. Horwitz continues, that with the possible exception of writing, foreign language learning demands a level of personal engagement unlike that of any other subject-matter studied in academic settings.
Rejecting the cognitive-centeredness of previous language learning research, foreign and second language educators are currently beginning to recognize the importance of the learner's role in the both the cognitive and affective domain in the language learning process. Consequently, there has been a greater understanding and appreciation of affective variables, and - as Hilgard (1963:267 cited in Arnold 1999) noted long ago - "purely cognitive theories of learning will be rejected unless a role is assigned to affectivity". Moreover, Schumann's (1998) neurobiological model derives from an examination of second language acquisition from a neurobiological perspective. A recent book, The Neurobiology of Affect in Language, offers a summary of the author's theory. According to Schumann, affect is seen as central to the understanding of L2 attainment/achievement, and the author argues that second language acquisition is emotionally driven and emotion underlies most, if not all cognition! In similar vain, Damasio (1994) has articulated that even on the neurobiological level emotions are part of reason, and Oatley & Jenkins (1996:122) affirm that "emotions are not extras - they are the very center of human life".
It is important to note that note that the affective side of learning is not in opposition to the cognitive side; and that the affective component contributes to at least as much and often more to language learning than the cognitive skills (Stern 1983:386). When both a used together, the learning process can be constructed on a firmer foundation. Neither is more important, and neither can be separated from each other. Early proponents of such integration (Brown 1971; Castillo 1973) stressed the need to unite to cognitive and affective domains in order to educate the 'whole person'. In the late 1970's and 1980's foreign and second language teacher trainers and writers expressed similar concerns. Stevick, Rinvolucri, Moskowitz, Galyean, among other representatives of Humanistic Language Teaching, were searching for ways to enrich language learning by incorporating aspects of the affective dimension of the learner.
In terms of pedagogical implications, Oxford & Ehrman (1993:188) argue that teachers of second and foreign language learners should learn to identify and comprehend significant individual affective differences in their students; and point out, "many excellent teachers have learned to do some of this intuitively, but explicit understanding of individual-difference dimensions can enhance the work of all teachers". While attention to affect may not provide the solution to all learning problems or diminish the importance of cognitive aspects of the learning process, it can be very beneficial for language teachers to choose to focus at times on affective questions/factors. In countering allegations that these matters are not part of teachers' obligations, she refers to Underhill (1989:252) who estimates that "teachers who claim it is not their job to take these phenomena into account may miss out on some of the most essential ingredients in the management of successful learning". Furthermore, Horwitz & Young (1989) believe that, although the level of achievement for the majority of language students in typical academic settings is disappointingly low, and language teachers cannot change the incoming cognitive abilities of students, the student's native language, or the overall socio-cultural context of language learning and their communities, the affective domain stands out as an exceptional opportunity for the improvement of language instruction. The authors conclude that, it is within the power of language teachers to address the affective concerns of their students, and, that it is essential to do so.

3. he Adult Learner

Having established the paramount importance of the affective or emotional side of the cognitive learning process, the question remains - how can language teachers address the affective or emotional domain of their adult ESL learners' in their classroom in practical terms? No matter what their background, adult learners often share certain characteristics that affect the process of learning another language and set them apart from younger ESL learners. Teachers need to not only recognize but also acknowledge in class that adults:
- have a lot of experience to draw on. Adults have amassed a wealth of valuable experience, which they bring to their classrooms. It is vital to recognize and openly acknowledge this experience and draw on it as a resource. In a language classroom this may include socio-cultural knowledge, as well as linguistic knowledge. Learners like to make comparisons of L1 and L2 and 'test' the various hypotheses which they have built in their minds. Teachers, who present themselves as the only useful resource of knowledge and the ultimate authority in every lesson, will find resistance from the adult learners.
- adults have strongly established learning styles/preferences. Not all language teaching methodologies & strategies will suit all learners. The 'one size fits all' approach may cause resistance if learners are pushed into radical change. As adult educators, language teachers are in the business of causing change, but they need to make sure that it is done without producing hostility and resistance. One form of enquiry is to identify - through classroom-based enquiry - learners' attitudes and beliefs about second language acquisition. Research has shown that the lack of understanding of ESL learners' preconceived beliefs about how languages are learned can have negative pedagogical implications (Horwitz 1987).
- adults are proud of their independence. One of the chief features of childhood is dependence. Adults, on the other hand, are proud of their independence. If anyone treats their adult learners as if they were not fully independent, they are attacking their pride in themselves. ESL teachers of adults have to keep this in mind, recognize and use their independence by suggesting, for example, that learners accept responsibility for their own learning, including after-class tasks.
- adults have strong feelings about the learning situation. Almost every adult has been to school. For some it was a positive experience, for others it was depressing and demoralizing. Some may believe that they will not be successful learners based on their past experiences; others may feel anxious about not knowing what to expect from a new learning environment. Teachers need to boost their learners' confidence and remove the threats at the onset of a course.
- adults have many preoccupations. When adults come to a course, they bring with them tension, anxiety, personal problems and much more. Furthermore, immigrants may face many other personal challenges, such as lack of job, inability to land a job equal in status to the one held in their country of origin, lack of personal support system provided by family and friends, and responsibility for an extended family, to name a few. Therefore, when they arrive to the classroom, they should be greeted with some relaxing music, a warm greeting and a smile. They need to relax and be made feel welcomed. During the lesson, teachers should use visuals, build a lot of participation, and include many varied and fun activities to maintain learners' attention.
- adults have firmly established attitudes. The way we behave, speak and think depends on our attitudes to life. For example, if an adult believes that ESL classes are 'a waste of time', their behavior during class will reflect that attitude. Sometimes attitudes have to be changed before any permanent learning can take place. It is not easy to change attitudes, and sometimes the only way to persuade people to make such basic changes is to show them that the new ways of behaving are more productive than the old. This is something learners will need to discover for themselves.
- adults have selective filters. We all have a filtering mechanism that allows us to screen out things that are distressing or unpleasant - or just boring. It is quite possible to sit through a lecture, or a sermon, and not really hear a word. In other words, adults hear what they want to hear. They pay attention to whatever is relevant, interesting or stimulating. They attend to sources of information that matter, the rest is filtered out. Teachers need to understand that the information that is obviously related to the needs of the group will be most effective in gaining and holding its attention.
- adults have a specific purpose for learning. Most of the time, adults attend courses because they have a specific need. Migrants learners often attend ESL courses to increase their employment opportunities and to be able to participate within their community independently. The best language teachers will be the ones that satisfy the learners' needs and point out their immediacy of application.
- adults are more strongly motivated by internal pressures than external rewards. In second language teaching, studies have shown (Gardner 1985) that integratively motivated learners (who desire to identify with the culture or community that speaks the language) will do better than instrumentally motivated learners (whose drive to learn derives from the desire to acquire another language for money, career, or power). This does not mean that adults do not respond to incentives such as higher salaries or better jobs, but factors such as higher self-esteem and greater job satisfaction are likely to be much more important to most adult learners.
Finally, there are also a number of anxieties adult ESL learners bring with them to learning activities. Anxiety is a significant aspect of the affective state of the language learner and one which needs to be taken into account. For example:
- adults are afraid that they might lose their dignity. No one likes to look foolish. People want to present themselves as being in control - in command of the situation, dignified, responsible, competent. When language learners take part in classroom activities, there is a chance that they might expose a weakness or reveal a fault. Teachers of adults have to shelter their students against the possibility of humiliation, ensure everyone is treated with respect, and set an example of tolerance and good humor.
- adults worry about the learning demands made on them. Many adult learners are very uncertain about themselves. They often feel that they are certain to fail. They doubt their ability to complete the tasks involved in a course. Language teachers have to be certain that everything is explained to the adults they teach. The learning objectives should be plainly stated. The tasks should be described clearly, and the participants should be given an opportunity to set their own standards. They have to understand that the idea of failure has no place in adult education. The emphasis will always be on personal improvement.
- adults feel anxious about having the use of their first language banished. Allwright and Bailey (1991) point to the possibility that banishing the use of the first language in the classroom diminishes learners as human beings because it deprives them of their normal means of communication. In this study, learners reported that one of their major worries is that when forced to use the language they are learning they constantly feel that they are representing themselves badly, showing only some of their real personality, only some of their real intelligence. ESL teachers should realize that allowing or attempting to ban the first language carry both costs and benefits in terms of language and the management of the learning process. Those teachers who decide to allow the use of the first language will have to exercise judgment as to the extent to which it will be allowed and the functions and purposes for which it will be used.

4. Conclusion

As outlined, the affective domain plays a significant role in the language learning classroom. Learners, particularly adults, often find themselves in a learning context for the first time since leaving formal schooling, have a number of characteristics which make them unique. They have some well established ideas and preferences about their learning, a plethora of experience to draw on, as well as some fears and anxieties which can impact on their engagement in, commitment to, and achievement of L2. ESL teachers need to develop a sensitive awareness of these factors and incorporate knowledge thereof into their teaching practice.


Allwright, D. & Bailey, K. (1991).Focus on Learning in the Language Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Arnold, J. (Ed.)(1999).Affect in Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Damasio, A. (1994).Descartes' errors: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Avon
Gardner, R.C. (1985).Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: The Role of Attitudes and Motivation. London: Edward Arnold
Horwitz, E. (1987).Surveying Student Beliefs About Language Learning. In A.L. Wenden & J. Robin (Eds), Learners Strategies in Language Learning. London: Prentice Hall
Horwitz, E.K. & Young D.(Eds.) 1989.Language Anxiety: From Theory and Research to Classroom Implications. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall
Johnson K 1994.The emerging beliefs and instructional practices of pre-service English as a Second Language teachers. Teaching Education, 10:4, 439-452
Oatley, K. & Jenkins, J. (1996).Understanding emotions, Cambridge. MA: Blackwell
Oxford, R.L. & Ehrman, M. (1993).Second language research on individual differences. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 13, 188-205
Schumann, J.H. (1997).The Neurobiology of Affect in Language. The Neurobiology of Affect in Language
Stern, H.H. (1983).concepts of language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Underhill, A. (1989).Process in humanistic education. ELT Journal, 43:4, 250-260


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How to Increase Motivation

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      Motivation is an important factor that plays a very important role in enhancing efficiency and boosting productivity. Motivation drives people to perform their best in all the activities carried out by them. Lack of motivation hampers productivity and damages growth prospects. Managers and leaders are required to increase employee and team morale. They may use various means or incentives to increase motivation. This differs from person to person and from situation to situation.
Attending personal development workshops can increase personal motivation. Seminars, training programs or vocational courses can help people boost their personal levels of motivation. People are also advised to read or listen to inspirational material. This plays an important role in increasing their personal level of motivation. Another significant way by which people can increase their personal motivation is by associating with positive people.
In order to achieve organizational goals and objectives, managers and team leaders are required to increase the morale of their employees and subordinates. They are advised to constantly stay in touch with their employees and improve modes of communication in order to facilitate adequate feedbacks. Appropriate allocation of authority and designation of responsibility also helps in increasing motivation level among employees. It is commonly seen that financial incentives and perquisites offered also prove to be the most effective motivational tools in the hands of employers. Recognizing talent and giving due praise when required also helps in boosting employee motivation.
A number of theories have been compiled keeping in mind human psychology. "Maslow's hierarchy of needs" and "McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y" are the most famous theories that have been developed. These theories have immensely helped in understanding human behavior. They have analyzed human wants, which has made it easier to develop new and improved means of motivating employees and individuals.
Analyzing human behavior and accordingly satisfying wants can help to increase the level of motivation in a person.

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Motivation For Students to Achieve Academic Success

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Motivation has been identified as a very important factor to achieve work excellence and career success for adults. We have heard of some many motivational seminars and workshops from those motivational gurus, that helped shaped the success of many individuals and corporations.
It has been clearly identified by many that motivation itself will determine the how successful a person is in his or her life, be it career, relationships or health.
I would like to emphasize that with no exception, motivation and inspiration is a primary factor in shaping the success in childrens' studies. Children are our champions of the future, and education and academic success will largely determine how well they can contribute towards the society.
It is for this very reason, that we should look more in-depth into this field of Motivation and Inspiration. Motivation can be the Intrinsic - those that comes within us internally, and Extrinsic - external sources and influences, or both. They are the reasons that compel us to work towards our goal. The strength of this motivation depends on how badly we want to achieve the desired outcome.
For Intrinsic Motivation, it can be having a desire to prove your worth or having a genuine interest in learning something well. For Extrinsic Motivation, it can be aspirations to perform well in exams with excellent grades to show others (i.e. your parents, siblings, cousins, friends, etc).
Many believe that Intrinsic factors play a stronger role in producing the desired results compared to Extrinsic factors. In terms of our teaching methodology and practices, it means that the teacher or coach should take an initiative to understand the motivational communication and close rapport with the students. Effective coaches should possess the ability to build up the motivation of their students by helping them to see clear cause between their own actions and getting the desired benefits. Coaches should empower the students to feel convinced that their goals are achievable through commitment, hard work and perseverance.
Many schools have adopted the overly critical approach in "motivating" their students to do well, many in order to fulfill their quota of having a certain percentages of As students. This is something that i believe we need to ponder and look into because after some time, the students would start to grow towards a dislike to study and to learn more knowledge.
Educators should instead create learning opportunities in an environment that can likely to evoke positive feelings and learning enthusiasm through constant encouragement and caring, and steer away from being overly critical. Feelings of achievements will definitely lead to increase motivation. It is certainly the roles and responsibilities of the coach to maximize the chances of academic excellence to motivate students. But this must be done with great care, by tailoring the lessons to suit the levels of competency of the students. If exercises are set at levels way above the proficiency levels of students, this will lead to frustration, sadness, anger and de-motivation of students who have to struggle with them with no chance of success.
For a more motivating experience for the students, the coaches should put a great deal of thought into developing programmes that maintain student interest and have obtainable short term goals. Encouraging students to become more active participants in a session can sometimes assist them to see a purpose for improving their studies. In our workshops and bootcamps, we would always like students to also have the chance to lead the class, by being the leader during break-state exercises. In this way, it will also build up their confidence, and thus will help him motivate him to do his best within the class.

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Discussion Question

Imagine yourself as a foreign language teacher. You notice that one of your students in your class lacks self-esteem. You are aware that this lack of self-esteem is preventing the student from achieving success and causes him/her to get low grades on his/her exams. In order to solve this problem, how would you help the student?

Friday, June 3, 2011